Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 34.1908

DOI Heft:
No. 136 (June, 1908)
DOI Artikel:
Art school notes
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Art School Notes


bury Silk Weaving Works of Mr. Edmund Hunter,
who is largely assisted by his wife. “Nero”
was robed in a cloth of gold by Mr. Hunter,
and several of the altar frontals of our cathedrals
have been designed and executed here. Mr.
Hunter uses the St. Jacquard hand-looms. He
finds his present building inadequate for the
growing demand for hand-woven silk, and is having
new works built for him at Letchworth, by Messrs.
Barry Parker and Raymond Unwin, a sketch of
which is here given. F. E. Green.
EWLYN.—Under the editorship of Mrs.
Stanhope Forbes, the art students at
the Meadow and Gwavas Studios here
have produced the first number of a
periodical which has been started for the purpose
of encouraging them to do original work, and they
are to be heartily congratulated on the generally
satisfactory result of this initial product of the
Newlyn Press. In addition to some contributions
from her own gifted pen, the editor has provided
a budget of entertaining letterpress from other
sources, and the illustrations, some of which are
printed with the text, and others apart, include
some excellent work by the students. The pe-
riodical— we speak of it as such, though no hint
is given as to its future appearance—is priced at
2S. 6d., not an unreasonable price to pay for a
hand-printed publication, and the “ comrades of
other seasons,” to whom an appeal is made in
the foreword, should not be slow in giving their
blessing and support to the new venture.
FADING. — The crafts classes at Uni-
versity College (affiliated to the Uni-
versity of Oxford) are now under the
teaching of Mr. Herbert Maryon, who

was for some years Director of the Keswick School
of Industrial Arts and whose work, familiar at all
the chief Arts and Crafts exhibitions, has on several
occasions been illustrated in these pages. Mr.
Maryon had a successful career as a student at the
London County Council School of Arts and Crafts
under Prof. Lethaby, and subsequently at the
Slade School, University College, London. The
classes under his charge here are those in which
wood-carving, modelling, leather-work, metal-work,
etc., are taught, and in the current term there
is being held a special class for beginners in
metal, including simple jewellery and stone-setting.
This class will continue until June 29, five hours
every Monday being set aside for it during the
morning and afternoon.
RICHMOND, Yorks. — The exhibition
held at the Town Hall last month of
work by students of the North Riding
Technical Institute was a very creditable
show. The oil paintings and water-colours were
highly to be commended, and showed that the
system of teaching was very good. The first prize
was taken by Miss Sybil Hutchinson (Catterick),
the second by Miss Nellie Hutton Squire (Bedale)
in the landscape section. In the designs for a
stencilled frieze, the first place was won by Mr. J.
Lawson. There were also good examples 01
monochrome, designs for earthenware, and flower
drawings from nature, in which subject Miss Elsie
Grimwade took first place. The whole affair was
a great success, and the students’ work was cer-
tainly in advance of that shown on the last
occasion. The exhibition, which was opened
by Lady Ronaldshay, was well patronised.
J. B. O.