Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Der Cicerone: Halbmonatsschrift für die Interessen des Kunstforschers & Sammlers — 3.1911

DOI issue:
13. Heft
DOI article:
Der Kunstmarkt - Von den Auktionen
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Nr. Doll.

1720. Horae, printed on vellum (Parisl498).

Smith. 625

1721. Horae, vellum (Paris 1503). Smith 850

1722. Horae, vellum (Paris 1508). Smith 900

1724. Horae, Firmin-Didot copy (Paris).


1725. Horae (Paris 1498). Smith .... 655

1726. Horae (Paris 1506). Salisbury . . . 575

1727. Horae, printed on vellum (Paris 1506).


1729. Horae, printed on vellum (Paris 1506).

John F. Drake.640

1730. Horae (Paris 1522). Smith .... 525

1731. Horae (Kerver, Paris 1525). Smith 525

1733. Horae,printed on vellum (1500). Smith 800

1734. Horae (Paris 1507). Smith .... 925

1735. Horae, printed on vellum (Paris

1510). Salisbury.525

1736. Horae, printed on vellum (Paris

1513). Drake.725

1737. Horae, printed on vellum (Paris

1525). Quaritch. 4500

1738. Horae (Paris 1543). Smith .... 700

1739. Horae (Paris 1549). Smith .... 700

1740. Horae (Paris 1541). Smith .... 1500

1744. Horatius. Works. Dodd&Livingston 675
1767. Hubbard (William). Narrative of

Trouble with Indians in New Eng-
land. Dodd & Livingston.565

1789. Ibraham (S. B). Mirages. Smith . 810

1790. Ibraham. Rabia el Kouloub. Smith . 650

1801. Irving (Washington). Manuscript
used in revising Knickerbocker History
of New York. Hill. 3000

1804. Irving (Washington). Sketch Book,

with manuscript revisions. E.D. North 1550

1819. Irving (Washington). Manuscript,

Life of Goldsmith. G. S. Hellmann 4250

1820. Irving (Washington). Portion of ma-
nuscript of Life of Washington. Smith 2800

1821. Irving (Washington). Manuscript
in memorandum book on Life of

Washington. Hellmann.575

1828. James I. of England. The Essayes
of Prentise to the Divine Art of Poesie.


1897. Jonson (Ben). Characters of Two

Royal Masgues. Smith.535

1899. Jonson (Ben). Chloridia. Smith . . 1550
1901. Jonson (Ben). Works. Smith . . . 3750
1905. Jourdain (Sylvester). Ä Plain De-

scription of the Barmudas. Smith . 600
1918. Juvenal. Satires, vellum. Smith . 655
1925. Keats (John). Endymion, with auto-

graph letter from author. Hill . . . 1000

Nr. Doll.

1927. Keats (John). Letters and Poems.


1929. Kempis (Thomasä). Imitatio Christi.


1934. Keye(Ottho). Koude en Warme Lan-
den. Dodd & Livingston.1010

1948. Laborde. Chansons. George D.Smith 710
1954. Lactantius (Firmianus). Opera.


1965. La Fontaine. Contes et Nouvelles

en vers. Dr. Baer.725

1995. La mb (Charles). Beauty and the

Beast. Smith.515

2013. Lascaris(Constantius). GreekGram-

mar. Quaritch. 2300

2017. Laudonniere. L’Histoire notable de

la Florida. Dodd & Livingston . . 500
2033. Lily (John). The Woman in the

Moone. Quaritch.1320

2049. Locher. Älbum des portraits et co-

stumes Suisses. Smith.625

2073. Longus. Les Ämours Pastorales.


2079. Lorris and Meung. Le romant

de la rose. W. M. Hill.825

2093. Lovelace (Sir Richard). Lucasta

(1649). Smith.705

2099. Lindsay (Sir John). Dialogue Be-

tween Experience and a Courtier, &c.

2100. Maberly. The Print Collector. Sa-
lisbury .1600

2104. Macrobius. In Sommum Scipionis

Expostiones et Saturnalia. Smith . 650
2110. Malory (Sir Thomas). Le Morte d’

Arthur. J. Pierpont Morgan . . . 42800

2115. Bede. Opusculum. Smith.540

2116. Biblia (Sacra Latina). Smith . . . 1850
2120. Bury (Richard). Philobiblion. Quaritch 1450
2124. Dudley. Heroica Eulogia. Smith . 1875
2126. Epistolae et Evangelica. Smith 725

2127. Pembroke Hours. Arthur Hoe . 33000

2128. Book of Hours. English, fifteenth

Century. Smith.1960

(Fortfetjung im nächften Heft.)

MÜNCHEN Verfteigerung der Sammlung
J. Spengel + (Antiquitäten, Kunft- und Ein-
richtungsgegenftände namentlich Textilien) bei
Hugo Helbing am 2. Mai und folgende Tage.

(Fortfetjung aus Heft 11.)

Nr. 459: 52 M.; Nr. 460: 52 M.; Nr. 462: 70 M.;
Nr. 463: 67 M.; Nr. 470: 280 M.; Nr. 471: 52 M.;
Nr. 476: 95 M.; Nr. 479: 61 M.; Nr. 480: 105 M.;
Nr. 481: 155 M.; Nr. 482: 4000 M.; Nr. 483:
60 M.; Nr. 488: 140 M.; Nr. 489: 105 M.;
